Payment aw we know it as very delicate and downtime on one provider can make a business lose revenue. 6thbridge solves that by making you switch providers efficiently and letting your business keep collecting revenue.



All Credentials saved on 6thbridge are encrypted at rest and access is restricted to those to only those that have access.

How does payment works


Once we get a payment request, we route the payment request to the specified provider based on the provider value provided in the request and if there is no provider set in the request we will use the default provider set in the integration for the request. The response provided by 6thbridge is formatted to be the same irrespective of the provider.


Most providers need a webhook configured on their end so as to receive feedback when the payment collection is completed. 6thbridge will provide a unique webhook to set on the provider's end so that we can get the feedback and update our payment logs and send a formatted response to your own webhook to avoid the different payload each provider has.